Creating a new room

So you're opening a new game/experience? Congratulations!

You'll want to add the room in Buzzshot so that it shows up in the dropdown list when creating new teams. To do that head to The Admin and go to Settings > Change Rooms. Click copy under the room with the closest settings to the ones you want for the new one.

You can now make changes throughout the rest of the settings pages for the new room you just created. You may want to setup custom emails, change the new team form settings or setup a custom photo overlay

Using booking integration? If you have booking software integration you may need to set things up so Buzzshot knows which bookings are for the new room. For Bookeo go to Settings > Integrations then click Settings next to Bookeo. For Xola you will have to log into your Xola account and set the waiver for the new room. Get in touch if you need a hand with this!

Using time slots? If you have players selecting time slots when they create a team then you'll need to setup the correct time slots for your new room. Got to Settings -> Time Slots to do that.

If you are retiring a room you can hide it so it no longer shows up when creating new teams. This is usually better than just renaming the old room as it leaves you old teams still showing up in the old room.

If you have custom photo overlays for each of your rooms you'll probably want to get in touch with us at to setup the photo overlay for this new room.

Did you know? You can have extra rooms for special events and for things like Team Building. This can be useful if you want to keep those teams separate from your normal players in the Buzzshot system. Get in touch if you'd like to discuss this further!

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