
Automations allow to create sequences of actions that happen in response to triggers that you set. You can use them to created automated marketing messages, pre-game reminders and many many other things.

For example you can use Automations to send out adverts for your rooms a week after a player played with you and you can even choose to customise those emails to mention details of the previous game played and vary what you advertise based on what they have already booked or played in the past.

What are Automations?

Automations are a Triggger followed by a set of Actions. The Trigger might be something like "group completed" or "it's the player's birthday" and actions are things like "send an email" or "add a tag". You can connect Actions together and they'll happen one after the other. You can use a Condition (a type of Action) to split things out and do one list of Actions if a condition is true and another list of Actions if it's not. You can use a Delay Action to wait a while (minutes, days or even weeks) before doing the rest of the Actions.

A screenshot of an automation

How much do they cost?

Usage of Automations are included in your existing Buzzshot subscription with a "fair use" policy allowing you to send a few messages per active player each month. We believe any reasonable use of Automations should fall well within "fair use". However, if you have a usage in mind that would involve very large numbers of emails being sent then we may have to talk about some increase in cost. Feel free to get in touch at if you'd like to discuss!

Creating an Automation

You can find Automations under the Marketing section on the Buzzshot menu. To create an Automation go there then click Create Automation. This will give you a choice of Presets which are pre-built automations. These might already do what you want or you can use them as a jumping off point. If you know what you're doing then you might instead choose to create an automation from scratch, but go with the presets if you're just getting started!

Automation Presets

Newly created Automations always start PAUSED which means they won't do anything or send any emails. Once you've created an automation from a preset you'll be given a TODO list of things to check before you switch it on by clicking "Resume".


For each TODO item you can click ^ to expand it then you can click "Show Me" and the thing you need to look at wil be highlighted.

An expanded todo item

The most important thing is to go through all the emails in the Automation and make sure they say what you want them to say. We provide starting points for the emails but you'll need to finish them off.

Once you're happy with the Automation you can click Resume and it will become Active. Now whenever the Trigger event happens a player will be passed through the Automation.

Automation Status

Each Action on an Automation shows some numbers at the bottom. These tell you how many times the Action has done its thing. For example here's a Send Email Action:

Send Email Action with 133 emails sent 70% open rate

From that you can see that this action has sent out 133 emails and they've had an open rate of 70%. Or for another example here's a Condition Action:

Condition action

You can see that of the 367 people for which this has been run 234 had played the room so went down the "Yes" path and 133 hadn't so went down the "No" path.

Adding an Action

An Automation consists of a number of Actions connected to eachother. Each Player starts at the top (when the Trigger even happens) and then the Actions happen one after the other. To add an Action at any point in an Automation click Add Action at the point where you'd like to add it. See below for articles on the various Actions that are supported!

Supported Actions

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