Marketing follow up messages

Buzzshot sends out both SMS and Emails to your players after their game. The purpose of these emails is give them their team photos and also to ask them to leave a review.

How to tell if your messages are being received and read

When you see a phone number or an email address in the Admin pages you will often see an indicator next to it to let you know the status of the message sent. The meanings for emails and SMS are slightly different.


Faded green tick means the email has been delivered to the recipients mail server

email delivered

Solid green tick means the email has been read

email read

Exclamation point means an error occurred

email error

You can find out what the error was by hovering your mouse over the icon. Usually it will be that the email address didn't exist.


Faded green tick means the SMS was delivered to the phone

SMS delivered

Solid green tick means the link in the SMS messages was followed

SMS followed

Exclamation point means an error occurred

SMS failed

You can find out what the error was by hovering your mouse over the icon. Usually it will be that the phone number is invalid

Customizing the messages

You can edit the messages Buzzshot sends in the settings page.

Go to the Emails settings page to edit the emails, the normal email sent out after the game is the "Thanks for playing email" but there is also a "(don't request review)" version which is used when you don't want to ask a player for a review.

Go to the SMS Message settings page to edit both the SMS message that we send and the page which it links to.

Different review sites

If you want to add different review sites (such as TripAdvisor, Google, Yelp or Facebook) to the list of sites that you ask your players to review you on then go to the Integrations settings page and add them from there. If you don't see the site you want to add then email us at and we'll add it for you.

When you don't want to ask for a review

If you don't want to ask for a review you can unselect the "Request a review" toggle when you "complete" the team. When you do this we'll still send the players their photos by email and SMS but we'll send the "(don't request review)" version of the email and we'll omit the review links from the SMS page.

When there is no photo

If you complete a team without adding a photo we won't send out SMS or email messages. If you'd like to still send out messages even when there isn't a photo let us know at