Create Photo Overlays

Buzzshot comes with a default photo overlay that puts the team name in the bottom left hand corner and your logo in the bottom right. But to make your photos really special you should consider making a custom one!

You can do anything from some slight tweaks to the logo positioning up to a full photo frame design. You can vary it according to which room the team played and weather or not they won. You can include the team name and/or the time taken to escape if you like. If there's anything else special you'd like to do just ask, it's probably possible!

You can make basic changes (such as uploading a PNG overlay) from the settings page. But to do more you'll want either send us a PSD file or let us help you customise your overlays.

Let us build the overlay for you

If you just want something simple we're happy to help, let us know what you have in mind and send any graphics (logos etc) you want to use to and we'll do our best.

Design your own overlay in Photoshop

If you want full control over the look you can design it yourself. The tool we recommend is Adobe Photoshop but if you use other image editing software that's fine too (see the next section).

You can download a Photoshop template file here.

The size we recommend for the overlay is 1600 x 1200 pixels (but we're flexible on that). Start with one of your photos in the bottom layer than add on other layers for your logo or any other graphics you want to put over the top. You can move and reposition the photo if you want it to fit within a frame.

For any "dynamic" text (that means text that changes between two different teams. Eg. team name, escape time, etc) please use a seperate text layer in your photoshop file. If you want to utilise custom fonts please choose/use fonts from because they are generally free to use for unrestricted commerical use. For such dynamic text elements we (Buzzshot) can only use fonts that are free for commerical use so you definitely need to make sure all font licences are 'public domain', 'freeware' or paid/licenced by you for 'unrestricted commerical use' because then we (Buzzshot) can use them commercially for free on your behalf – for this reason we recommend Be sure to give us a copy of the font along with your photoshop (.psd) file.

Don't worry if you don't understand this paragraph, it's not essential! You can use Photoshop Adjustment Layers to make changes to the colors of the photo. You can also use the following blending modes for your layers: Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Soft Light, Color Dodge, Color Burn, Vivid Light or Linear Dodge (Add).

When you're done, save out the file a PSD (the default for Photoshop) and send it to and we'll get it set up for you! Please include any fonts you used and any special instructions.

Design your own overlay in other design programs

If you don't have Photoshop or you prefer another program that's fine. Create you overlay at size 1600 x 1200 then save out to a PNG file. Make sure that the PNG file uses transparency so we can place the overlay over a photo. Email to along with any fonts you want to use.

Let us know the "dynamic" text (that means text that changes between two different teams) you'd like to use. Some examples of dynamic text are the team name or the time taken to escape. You may want to create a "sample" JPEG image showing a photo with the overlay on it and the text as you'd like it to use. As mentioned above, if you want to utilise custom fonts please choose/use fonts from because they are generally free to use for unrestricted commerical use.

Need any help?

Whatever route you choose to making your photo overlay if you ever need any help just get in touch, we're always happy to help!