Verify your GoDaddy Domain to improve your Buzzshot email deliverability

Does GoDaddy provide your email and web hosting?

Buzzshot can send emails to your players on your behalf, including your after game "Thanks for playing" emails and, optionally, emails inviting players to pre-register before a game. Sometimes these emails will end up in the Spam folder instead of the Inbox. You can vastly reduce the chance of this happening by Verifying your domain name with Buzzshot. This tells the world, and specifically other email servers, that Buzzshot is authorized to send email on your behalf which makes it much more trusted.

Below are the step by step instructions to Verify your GoDaddy domain with Buzzshot:

Step 1. Obtain your DKIM and Return-Path records from your Buzzshot Admin

Log in to your Buzzshot Admin account. Go to Settings / Emails / Verify Sending Domains / click 'Configure' and you will see your DKIM and Return-Path records. Or click 'Send Instructions by Email' to receive an email containing your Buzzshot DKIM and Return-Path records.

DKIM and Return-Path records from your Buzzshot Admin

Step 2. Adding Buzzshot's DNS Records to GoDaddy

Login to your GoDaddy account and go to your Domain Manager. Find the domain you want to update and click “Manage DNS”. You will then be taken to the Domain Management page where you can add your DNS records. Scroll to the bottom of the Records list and click, “Add” to add a new record.

Adding the DKIM record

Set Type to “TXT” in the first dropdown menu option. Then copy the Buzzshot DKIM Host name and value into the TXT row fields in GoDaddy.

Adding the DKIM record

Adding the Return-Path record

Adding the Return-Path record to GoDaddy is not a required step but we highly recommend it if you wish to maximize deliverability with Buzzshot. To add a Return-Path please repeat the above step to “Add” a new record but this time you’ll select CNAME as the Type and enter in the Return-Path value you see in your DNS Settings page in Buzzshot (note: if you have not changed it, it will usually begin 'buzzshot-bounces…' by default). And for the “Points to” field in GoDaddy, enter Now save the changes.

Now go back to your Buzzshot Admin account. Go to Settings / Emails / Verify Sending Domains and check if your DKIM and Return-Path records have Verified.

Verifying DNS records in Buzzshot

Step 3. Verifying the records in Buzzshot

If your newly added DNS has propagated and is working you will see a green check mark to indicate that DKIM has been 'Verified'. If yes, Buzzshot is now Verified to send emails to your players on your behalf.


There are some common reasons why your DNS might not Verify.

– DNS changes can take some time to propagate. You may have to wait up to 24hrs for everything to propagate before it shows as Verified.

– If you still can't get things to verify correctly please feel free to book a one-to-one call with the Buzzshot team who will be able to go through things with you over the phone.

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